Hotel Clairefontaine Paris Montparnasse***


Children < 13 years
Book without credit card
Free cancellation
Single room
There is only one room available
The single rooms have a capacity of 1 person with a surface area of approximately 10 m2, they are decorated and well equipped. They have a single bed, a private bathroom with a temperature-controlled shower, a desk, a large flat-screen TV, free WIFI access.
Non cancellable non refundable
Terms and conditions

Non cancellable non refundable

Breakfast not included

Cancellation condition

If canceled or in case of no show at the hotel, the total stay without options and / or extras will be charged and non-refundable. The reservation guarantee is not refundable.


The credit card number is required for the payment of the reservation guarantee and the securing of your reservation. The credit card must be valid on the date of the start of the stay.

Tourist taxes

Tourist taxes are added to the price of the room rate

Jackpot the best price guaranteed !
Prepayment needed
Rate for 1 night:
Flexible rate
Terms and conditions

Petit déjeuner non compris
Condition d'annulation
Annulation gratuite jusqu'à J-2. Si annulée après cette date ou en cas de non présentation à l'hôtel, le séjour total sans les options et/ou extras sera facturé et non remboursable. La garantie de réservation n'est pas remboursable.


Le numéro de carte de crédit est nécessaire pour le paiement de la garantie de réservation et la sécurisation de votre réservation. La carte bancaire doit être valide à la date du début du séjour.

Taxes de séjour

Les taxes de séjour s'ajoutent au prix du tarif de la chambre

Free cancellation until D-2
Pay on the spot
Rate for 1 night:
Twin room
There is only one room available
The Twin rooms have a capacity of 1 to 2 people with a surface area of approximately 15 to 18 m2, they are decorated and well equipped. They have two single beds, a private bathroom with a temperature-controlled shower, a desk, a large flat-screen TV, free WIFI access.
Non cancellable non refundable
Terms and conditions

Non cancellable non refundable

Breakfast not included

Cancellation condition

If canceled or in case of no show at the hotel, the total stay without options and / or extras will be charged and non-refundable. The reservation guarantee is not refundable.


The credit card number is required for the payment of the reservation guarantee and the securing of your reservation. The credit card must be valid on the date of the start of the stay.

Tourist taxes

Tourist taxes are added to the price of the room rate

Jackpot the best price guaranteed !
Prepayment needed
Rate for 1 night:
Flexible rate
Terms and conditions

Petit déjeuner non compris
Condition d'annulation
Annulation gratuite jusqu'à J-2. Si annulée après cette date ou en cas de non présentation à l'hôtel, le séjour total sans les options et/ou extras sera facturé et non remboursable. La garantie de réservation n'est pas remboursable.


Le numéro de carte de crédit est nécessaire pour le paiement de la garantie de réservation et la sécurisation de votre réservation. La carte bancaire doit être valide à la date du début du séjour.

Taxes de séjour

Les taxes de séjour s'ajoutent au prix du tarif de la chambre

Free cancellation until D-2
Pay on the spot
Rate for 1 night:
Triple room
There is only one room available
The Triple rooms have a capacity of 1 to 3 people with a surface area of approximately 20 m2, they are decorated and well equipped. They have a large bed and a single bed, a private bathroom with a temperature-controlled shower, a desk, a large flat-screen TV, free WIFI access.
Non cancellable non refundable
Terms and conditions

Non cancellable non refundable

Breakfast not included

Cancellation condition

If canceled or in case of no show at the hotel, the total stay without options and / or extras will be charged and non-refundable. The reservation guarantee is not refundable.


The credit card number is required for the payment of the reservation guarantee and the securing of your reservation. The credit card must be valid on the date of the start of the stay.

Tourist taxes

Tourist taxes are added to the price of the room rate

Jackpot the best price guaranteed !
Prepayment needed
Rate for 1 night:
Flexible rate
Terms and conditions

Petit déjeuner non compris
Condition d'annulation
Annulation gratuite jusqu'à J-2. Si annulée après cette date ou en cas de non présentation à l'hôtel, le séjour total sans les options et/ou extras sera facturé et non remboursable. La garantie de réservation n'est pas remboursable.


Le numéro de carte de crédit est nécessaire pour le paiement de la garantie de réservation et la sécurisation de votre réservation. La carte bancaire doit être valide à la date du début du séjour.

Taxes de séjour

Les taxes de séjour s'ajoutent au prix du tarif de la chambre

Free cancellation until D-2
Pay on the spot
Rate for 1 night:

Best Price



Hotel Clairefontaine Paris Montparnasse***
01 43 22 05 20
75014 Paris
Hotel Clairefontaine Paris Montparnasse***
Hotel Clairefontaine Paris Montparnasse***